Areas of Treatment

  • grief and loss

  • separation and divorce

  • trauma

  • emotion regulation issues

  • anxiety

  • depression

  • self-esteem issues

  • phobias

  • obsessive-compulsive behaviours



  • Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)

    • CBT is a form of psychological treatment that often involves efforts to change unhelpful thinking and behavioural patterns, and to promote emotional well-being.

  • Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (tf-CBT)

    • This type of therapy addresses thoughts, emotions, and behaviours associated with the effects of early trauma.

  • Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy

    • EMDR is an integrative psychotherapy approach to treating trauma and other symptoms of distress. EMDR is based on the idea that symptoms occur when trauma and other negative or challenging experiences overwhelm the brain’s natural ability to heal, and that the healing process can be facilitated and completed through bilateral stimulation while the client is re-experiencing the trauma in the context of the safe environment of the therapist’s office (dual awareness).

  • Flash Technique (FT)

    • The Flash Technique (FT) is a recently developed evidenced-based therapeutic intervention for reducing the disturbance associated with traumatic or other distressing memories. Unlike many conventional trauma therapy interventions, FT is a minimally intrusive option that does not require the client to consciously engage with the traumatic memory. This allows the client to process traumatic memories without feeling distress. As an adjunct to the EMDR preparation phase or any exposure-based treatment, it makes it possible to process memories that would otherwise be intolerable or overwhelming to the client.

  • Deep Brain Reorienting (DBR)

    • Deep Brain Reorienting (DBR) aims to access the core of the traumatic experience in a way which tracks the original physiological sequence in the brainstem, the part of the brain which is rapidly online in situations of danger or attachment disruption.

  • Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

    • This therapy combines the best of CBT with mindfulness strategies that help clients assess thoughts in the present.

  • Play- and Art-Based Therapy

    • Therapeutic art and play encourage self-expression and healing in a safe environment.

  • Narrative Therapy

    • This therapy helps clients interpret their experiences as stories that give meaning to their lives and guide them. It encourages people to identify their skills, values, and knowledge so they can use them to live well.

  • Bibliotherapy

    • This approach uses literature to improve mental health and explore psychological issues.



Individual Therapy

Group Therapy

Family Therapy




In-person and virtual services available.

Please Note: Most insurance companies cover Registered Social Workers with a Masters Degree. You are encouraged to check your employment insurance to confirm coverage.


Contact us


Located in Palmerston, Ontario